Why Should You Choose a Cafe Over a Bar for a First Date?


Got a date lined up, have we? Sounds exciting, but first dates are tricky things that need to be put together right. The most important decision is where you'll go, and most people come down to either a bar or a cafĂ©. Here are just a few reasons why cafes are a better option.  You Can Hear Each Other Sure, bars are a bit cooler and edgier than cafes. Problem is, the music is usually up so loud you can barely hear yourself, let alone your date.

8 September 2018

Stress-Busting Tips for Taking the Kids to a Restaurant


If you're used to eating out at restaurants regularly, having children can often put a stop to it. It doesn't need to, however, and there's no good reason why you can't still enjoy meals out as a family even if your children are very young. In fact, taking small children to restaurants can really help their development, teaching them good manners, social skills and how to behave in public. The challenge for many parents is making sure everyone has a pleasant evening, including other diners in your restaurant of choice.

21 March 2018